Castro Industrial Group Values:

Castro Industrial Group Values:
Castro Industrial Group Values:
Castro Industrial Group Values:
It is interesting to note the economic growth of the Northeast in recent decades. The Northeastern Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was 3.3% between (2002 to 2015) —higher than that of Brazil, 2.9% in the same period. Yes, “good winds” are blowing in the economy of this large and important Brazilian region.
Source: IBGE
Below is data updated by IBGE that provides important information about the region.
Source: IBGE
Total population
27.06% from Brazil
Source: IBGE
GDP Northeast Region
R$ 1.004 trillion
of Brazil's GDP
Source: IBGE
Average Annual GDP Growth
(2002 to 2015)
North East
Attraction of Industries
Implementation of industries and Distribution Centers to serve the 57 million inhabitants and more than 1 trillion GDP with more competitiveness and efficiency. For this we count:
Industrial Land donated or acquired with subsidies (with abundant water, energy, gas, road access)
Access to State Ports with national cabotage routes and international routes
State Tax Incentives for Industries and Distribution Centers
BNB Banco do Nordeste - Long-Term Investment Financing with the lowest rates in Brazil
SUDENE - Long-Term Investment Financing
Industrial Labor Training in municipal, state and federal programs
Colleges, Faculties and Federal Universities in Standard of Excellence in the MEC.
Nationally prominent medical centers in Recife, Salvador and Fortaleza.
Startups and Technological Innovation
Recife (PE) has thePorto Digital, which is a technology park operating in the areas of information and communication technology (ICT) and creative economy. At the end of 2020, there were more than349 companies, research institutes, incubators, accelerators and investment funds, representing a turnover ofR$ 2.86 billions andemploying more than 13 thousand people.